What Parents Want Survey 2021
We want to find out what’s important to parents of independent school students.
If you are a parent of a student at an independent school, please take 15-20 minutes to tell us why you chose an independent school for your child.
The What Parents Want – An Independent Schools Queensland Survey is the longest-running survey in the country exploring how parents make this important decision. The survey asks why you chose to send your child to an independent school, how you came to that decision, and how your chosen school is different from the other schools.
Your responses will be anonymous and a summary of the findings will be published on the ISQ website in early 2022.
Share with your social networks via the buttons below.
Schools can also access a School Communications Toolkit. The toolkit will assist Marketing and Communications teams to share the survey through the school website, parent portal, newsletter and social channels. Access these resources below.
Complete the survey
I chose an independent school because of learning opportunities in the classroom... I want my child to reach their full potential without being disadvantaged by others. Parent 49 (2018)
What Parents Want – An Independent Schools Queensland Survey is the longest running survey in the country exploring why parents choose independent schools. Complete the survey and share why you chose to send your child to an independent school, how you came to that decision, and how your chosen school is different from the others.