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Roles & Responsibilities
Independent school governors are positioned to make a positive contribution to future generations of students. The trust granted to them by school communities requires a diligent approach to fulfilling significant responsibilities.
Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) assists board chairs and members to understand their unique roles and responsibilities and supports them in directing and monitoring their school’s pursuit of its mission, vision and strategic objectives.
Independent school governors are charged with balancing various stakeholder interests, overseeing executive performance, managing strategic risks and ensuring ongoing compliance in a complex regulatory environment.
In addition, independent school governors carry a variety of duties under common and statutory law, including the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Regulation 2013 and the Corporations Act 2001. They are required to act with care, diligence and in good faith in the best interests of the school. They are required to not improperly use their position or the privileged information they receive.
ISQ provides individualised advice and a diverse range of resources, template policies and research reports to support boards in establishing an effective governance framework that meets their obligations. ISQ also offers governance reviews that assist boards in elevating their performance and increase the value they add to their organisation.
Independent School Governance Program
ISQ's suite of tailored governance professional learning will give school governors the skills to confidently execute their roles and obligations.
Choose from a wealth of relevant, in-depth programs, masterclasses and modules to harness the expertise of ISQ at every stage of your governance journey.
Child Protection for Principals and Board Directors
This module aims to assist school governors to be informed of child protection reporting responsibilities and how to fulfil them, as required by legislation.
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Governance Finance
This online course has been developed to assist school board members to interpret their school’s financial statements, allowing them to make an informed judgement about the solvency of the school.
Governance Induction
This suite of online modules has been designed to provide new board members with a general understanding of the governance in place within independent schools, and their role as a board member.