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For more than 50 years, Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) has provided a united and powerful voice for independent schools. In times of policy and funding reform, ISQ is a persuasive champion and a fierce guardian of local decision-making and the rights of parents to choose the best school for their child.  

Championing the Sector

ISQ’s advocacy work on a state and national level provides strong and effective representation through activities such as:

  • arguing for equitable and stable levels of government funding
  • developing and maintaining constructive working partnerships with state and federal Education Ministers, their staff and senior departmental officers
  • working collaboratively with the peak national body representing independent schools, Independent Schools Australia, and other state and territory-based independent school associations
  • representing the interests of independent schools on a large range of boards, committees and advisory groups
  • lodging submissions on government policy or proposals that may impact independent schools
  • commissioning quality research, data and policy analysis to lead and inform policy debates and discussions
  • working collaboratively with key state bodies across all schooling sectors
  • providing a strong representative voice for independent schools in traditional and social media.

ISQ continues to expand and diversify our services to meet the increasing demand of Queensland's growing independent schooling sector.

Advocating for the sector


ISQ Snapshot 2024

This is a snapshot of the key characteristics of the Queensland Independent school sector, those who are enrolled, those who work in Independent schools, and how these schools are funded. 

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Income Levels of Families with Students in Queensland Schools

Independent schools offer a diversity of educational approaches and serve an equally wide range of students and families, from low and high socioeconomic backgrounds. 

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Choice and Diversity in Independent Schools

Independent schools are as diverse as the communities they serve and offer parents a choice in the education of their children. They enable families to select a school that best serves their child’s needs.

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