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Is the Continuing increased funding for schooling achieving results?
David Robertson, Executive Director

The latest Report on Government Services 2021 released by the Productivity Commission highlights the continuing significant increase in Government funding for schooling in Australia.

In 2018-19, total government recurrent expenditure on school education was $65.6 billion with $49.7 billion of that amount spent on government schools and $15.9 billion on non-government schools. Governments’ investment in government school infrastructure (user cost of capital) for 2018-19 was estimated at $7.5 billion.

Leading through long-term crises
Josephine Wise, Director (Education Services) & Michael Gilliver, Senior Advisor (Education Services)

The past 14 months of the global pandemic has been similar to other times in human history. However, to this generation, it has rightfully felt ‘unprecedented’.

While Australian Indigenous cultures continue to feel and respond to repercussions of a complete upheaval, other Australians have never before experienced a need to do everything ‘normal’ differently. The decisive impact on health, business, the arts, sports, culture, family-life and education has shown the effect of global upheaval on constructs we thought were slow moving and possibly absolute.

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