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Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) has today released its new School Funding Made Simple webpage to help parents navigate the complex subject of school funding.

The webpage also features a simple explainer video which breaks down school funding in the simplest of terms.

ISQ Chief Executive Officer Chris Mountford said with heightened public discourse around school funding, it was important people were aware of the basics of how school funding is calculated across all sectors.

“School funding in Queensland and across Australia is a complex area and one which is often selectively misrepresented in the public domain,” Mr Mountford said.

“As the Australian Government continues its important negotiations around the new National School Reforms Agreement, it’s imperative that the public has access to easy to digest information to ensure they are informed of the facts."

“This webpage and video aim to break school funding down in the simplest terms to help dispel some of the myths and help people navigate its complexity.”

The webpage and video cover topics such as how government funding is allocated to each student based on their individual needs and circumstances via the Schooling Resource Standard (SRS).

“The common goal of ensuring all Australian students, in all school sectors, are fully and fairly funded is undermined when the facts play second fiddle to emotion,” Mr Mountford said.

“Something as simple as understanding how the SRS model works, and why it will always give state government schools more total government funding per student than non-government schools can help paint the real picture of school funding in Australia.”

The School Funding Made Simple webpage and video is available on the ISQ website.

View now.

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