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More than 60 independent school teachers from across Queensland will have their teaching practice and impact evaluated through one of the country’s most prestigious national certification programs.

This week, the cohort of 62 independent school teachers take the first steps in their 18-month journey to be certified as Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers (HALT) – the two most advanced levels of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

HALT certification is overseen nationally by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) and undertaken locally by certifying authorities including Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ).

Teachers applying for certification undergo a rigorous evaluation process that involves gathering evidence of their teaching practices, classroom observations and peer and student reviews.

These teachers will strive to join the other 111 HALTs working in Queensland independent schools, joining a further 916 certified teachers nationwide.

Independent Schools Queensland CEO, Chris Mountford said the desire for a growing number of Queensland teachers to develop their professional skills to the highest level was setting up students for success.

“Undergoing HALT certification is no simple task, and I must commend every teacher who starts this journey and their dedication to the profession and their students,” Mr Mountford said.

“It’s heartening to see numbers of HALT registrations remain strong, particularly after record numbers of registrations experienced throughout recent years.

“The added pressures placed on teachers throughout the pandemic has not been easy, so to now make the personal decision to undergo this rigorous certification process and put their teaching methods and processes under the microscope in the name of impactful outcomes for students will no doubt be empowering and rewarding for this year’s registrants. I wish them all the very best of luck.”

Mark Grant, Chief Executive Officer at the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), added his congratulations to the 62 Queensland independent school teachers who have committed to undertaking national certification this year.

“Becoming a nationally certified teacher is a terrific accomplishment for any teacher. The recognition of the additional expertise and knowledge that a teacher brings to the classroom and a school is to be commended.

“ISQ has realised the impressive impact that HALTs have on students and their considerable contribution to leadership in the profession, which is why we continue to see strong numbers in the Queensland independent sector.

“We congratulate ISQ, and the other certifying authorities across the nation that actively support their teachers to achieve HALT status.“

This year also marks the launch of the ISQ HALT Network, the first of its kind in Queensland bringing together teachers certified as Highly Accomplished or Lead.

The ISQ HALT Network enables Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers to develop expertise with like-minded colleagues from across Australia and work together to share their collective expertise with the independent schooling sector and beyond.

Media Contact

Callum Bentley
0428 612 315 |

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